Explain Like I'm 5: Cloud Jargon and what it means

Gain a beginner-friendly understanding of cloud computing jargon, from public vs. private vs. hybrid cloud to IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, virtualisation, edge computing, multi-tenancy, and APIs.

Ever been in a meeting where someone drops a cloud-related term, and everyone nods while you're secretly Googling under the table? No judgment here; we've all been there. The cloud world is packed with jargon that can make anyone's head spin. But fear not! We've got your back. Let's break down some of that fancy lingo so you can approach the cloud with confidence.

1. Cloud Computing

Alright, starting with the basics. Imagine storing your data or running your software not on your personal computer or office server, but somewhere out there on the internet. That's cloud computing! It makes data more accessible and allows for more flexibility on your end.

2. Public vs. Private vs. Hybrid Cloud

Public cloud: Think of this as renting an apartment in a big building. You're using shared resources (lime AWS or Google Cloud), but you've got your own secure space.

Private Cloud: This is like having your own mansion. All resources are exclusively for your business. Fancy, right?

Hybrid Cloud: Got a foot in both of the above worlds? That's hybrid. It's a mix of private and public cloud solutions tailored to your needs.

3. IaaS, PaaS, SaaS (not just random letters, I promise!)

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): It's like renting the foundation of a house, then building on it. You're renting the basic infrastructure and deciding what to do with it.

PaaS (Platform as a Service): Here, you're renting both the foundation and the house, but you decide on the interior design. It's a platform where you can develop and run your apps.

SaaS (Software as a Service): This is like Airbnb. You're renting a fully furnished house (software) for a specific period; think Google Docs or Dropbox.

4. Virtualisation

Imagine turning one physical thing into many virtual versions of itself. It's like having one big cake (a server) and slicing it up so many people can enjoy it (as virtual servers).

5. Edge Computing

This is all about processing data closer to where it's generated (line on your smartphone) rather than in a centralised data center. This would be similar to making decisions on the spot instead of waiting to get back to the office.

6. Multi-Tenancy

This is where a single instance of software serves multiple customers. Picture a single ice cream machine with multiple flavours. Everyone gets their choice, but it's all coming from the same machine.

7. API (Application Programming Interface)

Think of APIs as waiters in a restaurant. You ask for something (data), and the waiter (API) goes to the kitchen (the system) to get it for you.

Wrapping Up...

There you have it - a quick and painless rundown of some cloud jargon. Next time someone throws a cloud term your way, you'll be ready to volley it right back. Mastered the basics? Take a look at our Cloud Sales sheet for an in-depth overview of all the benefits the cloud can bring to your business: