Exceptional IT Optimisation

We make it easier for you to do your best work, with a seamless workflow, and for impressed clients.

By consistently aligning your technology and your team's capabilities with your goals, your organisation becomes more efficient, structured and result-oriented.

IT Optimisation

Technology alignment process

To make sure that your company has a fit-to-size IT environment, that enables it work like a well-oiled machine, we take the time to access your needs in relation to your IT assets.

Changing software (and hardware) might sting operationally for a day or two, but we facilitate the training of your staff and that one day of training can deliver years of benefit.

One-time or ongoing technology alignments
IT Optimisation

Software & workflows

With a clear understanding of your processes, we are able to make your apps talk to each other, to help you get work done faster. Also, with our years of experience, we enable you get the absolute best out of every single software you spend money on.

Sometimes, the new functionality you think you need, is already available in your existing software. With this insight, some of our clients easily slash their software subscription costs by up to 35%.

We train staff, suggest new processes (such as ERP's, CRM's and more), optimise infrastructure and ensure that you leverage today's technology as much as possible.

Automated reports
AI data predictions
Advanced charts
PDF reports
IT Optimisation

Consult with a dedicated CIO

Virtual CIOs become a part of your team and study all the ins and outs of your business processes and objectives. Primarily, they look for new opportunities to either increase revenue or reduce costs while maintaining (and even increasing) efficiency.

The CIOs we send your way are senior executives with a ton of practical business experience, covering various industries and organisations of different sizes. They have learned what it is like to be in your shoes and always keep that in mind while they help you achieve your goals.

20+ integrations
Seamless data sync
Data enrichment
IT Optimisation

Automating processes

A lot of time can be saved by making sure different tools communicate with each other. Automation has an immediate impact on your business' output.

We have the skillset and staffing to custom-create low-code applications that carry out your repeat, mind-numbing tasks for you. This gives you the freedom and time to focus on the needle-moving tasks, while AI does the repetitive tasks for you.

Automated reports
AI data predictions
Advanced charts
PDF reports
IT Optimisation

Microsoft 365

With our expertise in optimising workspaces and Microsoft 365, we help your team radically increase productivity. You get to use the software to the max, cutting the cost of getting additional work apps with repeat functionalities.

We help you cut costs while getting the most result from Microsoft 365, by training your team on best practices for heightened productivity.

20+ integrations
Seamless data sync
Data enrichment
IT Optimisation

IT audit

Even with cutting-edge IT infrastructure and best digital practices in your tech stack, it is essential to conduct a professional IT audit to identify potential security risks and efficiency improvement opportunities and manage digital assets more productively. Most companies are also subject to various laws and regulations. IT audit can help you ensure compliance swiftly and without breaking the bank.

Business IT 365 provides expert IT audits to test your IT infrastructure thoroughly and let you enhance your digital capabilities across the board. We point out cyber security dangers in your tech stack and help you optimize your technology for efficiency and productivity. We also help you comply with all relevant laws and regulations effortlessly. Once our IT audit is over, you will have a firm grasp on the strengths and weaknesses of your IT infrastructure and actionable strategies to augment your IT powers.

Automated reports
AI data predictions
Advanced charts
PDF reports